It might have been Dolly Parton’s only option, but more women than ever are giving up ‘Workin’ 9 to 5′ in favour of interim management positions. A survey of 850 interims showed that the flexibility and equality of pay associated with such positions meant more women were choosing to work in the sector. Younger women in particular were particularly drawn to becoming interims, with the percentage of employed female interims in the 25 – 39 year age bracket being five times greater than men of the same age bracket. The report also showed that female interims find it easier to find regular assignments, with 30% more women in work for more than 170 days a year than their male counterparts HR continues to be one of the most popular functional areas for interim managers, along with general, financial and change management. For more information about Chapple’s interim management service, have a look on our website at . Alternatively, call us on 020 7384 3092 or e-mail us at