It’s a small world, ain’t it? A new US survey which has shown that managers either can’t be bothered – or are too arrogant- to speak to the people who work at the coalface and are losing valuable expertise as a result, finds resonance across the pond too if feedback from our candidates and clients is anything to go by. The survey found that almost half (46%) of employees earning less than $25,000 annually reported never or seldom being consulted, compared with just a quarter of those earning more than $75,000. “Whilst there’s a case for being selective in exactly whom (and how often) you consider asking for employee input,” says Suzannah Chapple, Chapple CEO, ‘it’s surprising how many large organisations who otherwise strive for higher employee engagement are actually ignoring or underutilising sections of their staff base.” According to Suzannah, putting on the blinkers in terms of whose opinion actually matters can result in employee alienation, demoralisation and from a business point of view, the possibility of ignoring fundamental business solutions. “It’s no co-incidence that the most successful international companies engage their entire workforce, regardless of background, earning capacity or qualifications when compiling their HR and communication strategies,” she says. The message is: everyone matters when it comes to managing success.