Credit crisis and talent crunch: Welcome to 2008!

Posted on Wednesday, June 11th, 2008 by

Here’s hoping we’ve all had a relaxing Xmas break because this year looks set to be a toughie, particularly for managers. Economic soothsayers on both sides of the pond have predicted a stormy year ahead for businesses thanks to, amongst other things, the continued fallout of the credit crisis. It’s not just profit margins that are under threat, however. A raft of surveys have also suggested that the key management challenge will be the continuing shortage of good quality managers who are, compared to recent years, leaving jobs an average of 9 months earlier. Apart from a shortage of management skills, a summary of other things to look forward to are: « Rising business costs « Higher debt levels « Increased organisational restructuring « A drop in consumer spending likely to hit businesses « Rising energy costs, also likely to negatively affect businesses « Increased competition for people with global skills Thankfully, it’s not all doom and gloom. The flip-side of the talent crunch is an increase in opportunities for talented managers. Competition is set to be fierce this year according to Suzannah Chapple, Chapple Director, but the continued departure of Baby Boomers and an ageing workforce as well as strong overseas growth will mean a steady stream of executive level job opportunities. “If you’re ambitious and talented, you’re almost guaranteed career success in 2008.” If you’d like to discuss one of the many executive career opportunities Chapple currently have available in complete confidence, please call the team on 020 7384 3092 or e-mail us at Discretion is assured.