More than a third of workers want to change their careers post recession according to the Chartered Institute of Personnel. A survey of 3,000 employees has found that although job insecurity and lack of opportunities is forcing many to stay put, HR departments can’t afford to be complacent. 34% of those polled said they would ideally like to switch jobs next year, a quarter of whom wanted to work in a different sector whilst the same proportion wanted to change their line of work completely. The survey found that employees in banking and finance (41%) and construction (40%) were most likely to want to change their jobs. A quarter of private sector worker would consider changing sectors compared with 19% in the public sector and 17% in the voluntary sector. The public and voluntary sectors were the most popular to move to, with 28% looking to work in community, social and personal services activities, 20% wanting to move into education and 17% looking for health and social work opportunities. Suzannah Chapple, Chapple Director, says. “As part of our service to candidates we offer guidance on careers and can act as a bridge between clients and those candidates who want to repackage their skills.”