The Conservative / Lib Democrats coalition may mean that politicians are hammering out the fine detail of policy in months to come but according to a recent survey, senior managers are in no doubt as to their priorities when it comes to boosting the job market. A survey of 500 senior management employees from the UK’s leading companies has found that 64% are optimistic that a change in government will bring improvements to the job market. Of those surveyed, most (37%) believed that the party which best represented the needs of the job seeker was the Conservatives (just as well, considering), whilst Vince Cable, the Lib Dem economic spokesperson was by far the politician executives would most like to see working in their business, based on their performance in the job (45%), compared with David Cameron (35%), Nick Clegg (32%) and William Hague (31%). The specific policies (as related to improving the job market), that senior managers would most like to see are: Funding to business to recruit job seekers over the age of 50 (47%) Temporary tax relief for employers hiring to fill new roles (41%) Action on retraining job hunters in transferable skills (39%) Investments in schemes to help business employ the long term unemployed (36%) and; Focusing on jobs for British nationals (30%) We hope you’re listening, David and Nick.